The Cream of the Crop

"Let’s not cry over spilt milk" is a euphemism that might work everywhere except in the dairy industry, where wasted product means wasted capital. At McFinnTechnologies, we put ourselves in the boots of dairy men and women everywhere in every situation, by creating our low shear centrifugal Bowpeller® pumps that help you produce the best product on the market. Our patented, low shear, pump design is the most significant dairy pump design of this century. Bowpeller® has been proven to gently pump raw milk or cream with lower resulting acid degree value (ADV).

The dairy expert’s aide  

Our Bowpeller®, low shear centrifugal pumps are ideal for both the milk receiver and larger loading and unloading applications.

  • Gentle product handling
  • Long seal life
  • No cavitation
  • No air locking
  • High yield
  • High performance efficiency
  • Cleanability
  • Better CIP
  • Low MPSH


McFinn Technologies’ centrifugal pumps are powered by our patented impeller and casing, which provides a smooth path for liquids and fluid past the impeller, through the pump—and, ultimately, into your customers’ bellies. Welcome to complete control over your craft.

The McFinn Difference

Pumps crafted for craftspeople
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Quality Food Grade

With stainless steel casings, we maintain strict hands-on quality control to earn our FDA (CFR21) 3A sanitary approval.

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With our process, it’s not enough to just listen. We actively incorporate your feedback, ensuring our pumps simplify jobs and elevate satisfaction to new heights.

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Innovative Design

Being in complete control of our designs means that every one of our products reaches an unmatched level of quality and innovation.

Catch the Interview with Midwest Farm Report!

In October of 2024, Bowpeller Pumps was featured on the Midwest Farm Report, where we discussed innovative solutions for the dairy industry. Listen to the interview to learn how our pumps are making a difference for dairy farmers.

The Resources You Need for the Results You Deserve.

You’ve got the best pump on the market. Together, we’ll make sure you get the best results from it.